Dog training for obedience is an essential ingredient in any healthy human-dog relationship.

At Hyndford Boarding kennels we offer one-to-one obedience training
with the objectives of:

  • Building or strengthening a close, healthy and appropriate relationship between
    you and your dog.
  • Opening up a clear line of communication between you and your dog. This includes
    you knowing what to expect of your dog in all circumstances, and your dog clearly
    understanding and respecting what is expected of him/her.
  • Establishing the groundwork which assists in preventing the development of
    unacceptable problem behavior - such as jumping up, barking, chewing, digging etc.


Our training lays down a set of rules or boundaries which educates your dog to become a
responsible member of society. Including how to relate to other dogs, animals and people,
basic manners and how to behave in any situation.


Contact us today to discuss how we can help you get a better relationship with your dog

Dog Obedience Training at Hyndford Boarding kennels